I have to say that I am totally a kid at heart, and I have an addiction that shows in my classroom...
I love STAR WARS. Only the movies. I can't get into the expanding universe simply because I get fanatical about having to know EVERYTHING about it, and the topic always growing. I have given myself a boundary. I will focus my obsession on the movies.
So what is the big deal? Going to the STAR WARS movies as a kid are some of the most vivid memories I have. I don't know what it is about them...Maybe the epic hero's journey of Luke Skywalker? The hot scoundrelness (yeah, I just made this word) of Han Solo? The ultimate battle between the choices of good and evil in humans? I don't know. I just know that I try to bring this passion to my classroom so that my students will realize that there is more to movies, TV, and music than just being entertained. Maybe it will guide them to use their passions to help enhance their learning.